Devices Specs >
OrgNG v3/v4
Pipe organ key and stop action driver, a comprehensive system integrating up to four consoles and any number of instruments using wired and wireless data transmission
- modular digital system consisting specialized devices embedded in consoles and instruments;
- in the case of wired connection, OrgNG3.x allows the organbuilder to reduce the console wiring to just one single thin ethernet cable;
- for wireless connection (2.4GHz RF transmission) - elimination of console wiring;
- significant saving for wiring and other electrical materials within the instrument (division drivers just next to the windchests);
- possibility of interconnection between the organs and other instruments equipped with standard MIDI input/output or with any other, according to the order, i.e. in order to create a hybrid pipe-electronic instrument;
- an optional remote controller for tuning and voicing;
- combination memory (ferroelectric type, which doesn't wear out, unlike the widely used flash type);
- additional features such as: disabling speech of particular stops (an engaged but disabled stop is indicated with a separate color), redefinable tutti, redefinable reeds (anches), programmable crescendo, quick and easy memory bank access, "registration hold" function;
- piston, function of which can be chosen from TFT touchscreen menu;
- large and readable color touchscreen with easy menu;
- energy saving option - automatic blowers shutdown after certain time of inactivity;
- energy saving through dynamic magnets/actuators power adjustment;
- remote swellbox driver;
- ±12 semitone transposer;
- programmable couplers (any division to any keyboard with any offset/interval);
- floating divisions;
- short-octave emulation;
- configurable pedal split;
- custom features, according to the needs.
Gdynia, 2016
Bleiswijk / Rotterdam, 2017
Łódź, 2017
Jarosław, 2018
Nysa, 2021
Jarosław, 2021
OrgNG v1.x
New generation versatile key and stop action driver system, MIDI encoder for organ consoles and MIDI decoder / magnet driver providing extraordinary features
- ability to drive action of a pipe organ with up to 6 manuals and pedal, up to 254 stops;
- MIDI standard protocol, external transmission enhanced with checksum and carried out by differential transceivers;
- total electrical separation of keyboards and executive elements (e.g. magnets, actuators);
- the serial bus application makes it possible to significantly reduce the amount of wiring between the console
- (often relatively distantly positioned) and the organ's internal mechanisms to one standard "ethernet" signal cable or even to use wireless connection (significant cost and material savings in the electrical installation);
- ability to interconnect the pipe organ with other instruments and devices that are based on widely-used MIDI standard, i.e. to integrate the organ with other custom consoles or a computer to create a hybrid instrument;
- ability to use a remote control for easy one-person pipe tuning;
- internal "setzer" memory organized by any number of series, each containing ten combinations (0-9);
- ferroelectric memory, which does not wear out, unlike commonly used flash-type memories;
- large, easily readable LCD touch screen and comfortable icon menu for setting up system parameters;
- SD-MMC or USB slot to save "setzer" memorized combinations on widely-available SD memory cards or pendrives;
- energy-saving: automated blowers shut-down after a preset time and when the console power is turned off;
- dynamic pulse-wave-modulated magnet power adjustment, which saves extra energy;
- support for adjustable-depth and adjustable-speed tremulants;
- ±6 semitone transposer;
- fully configurable crescendo;
- programmable coupler - coupling any division to any keyboard at any interval (offset in semitone resolution);
- disabling of any stop (indication by the special stop-keys highlight color);
- combination preview feature (no necessity to alter currently set combination when previewing the other one);
- non-volatile HR ("hand register" combination) - HR status is restored after the console is powered off and then turned on;
- ability to switch the manual order (manual numbers indicated by 7-segment LED displays placed near each manual)
- or to link organ divisions to particular manuals independently;
- other custom features may be implemented at the customer's request.
Skierniewice, T2Logic workshop, 2011
Skierniewice, st. James, 2011
OrgNG DivDriver
OrgNG DivDriver - MIDI demux and action driver
- OrgNG DivDriver is a compact driver for single pipe organ division, regardless of the key action type;
- the module can drive a division up to 61-tones;
- current and voltage surge protection and indicators;
- separate tones and stops outputs;
- extremely easy installation;
- energy-efficient design;
- invulnerable to electromagnetic noise;
- small footprint, Rack 19" type chassis.
Integrated power supply systems for pipe organ instruments
- ability to work independently;
- OrgNG system compatibility (energy management and efficiency improvement features);
- includes omnifarious anti-surge and anti-shock protection devices;
- mounted on a wall or within a Rack19" case.
Custom MIDI organ console
Pipe organ console adapted to the OrgNG system as well as to MIDI standard
- provides all OrgNG features;
- up to 6 manuals + pedalboard, floating divisions;
- up to 254 stops;
- compatible with other OrgNG consoles (ability to work as a part of a large ensemble);
- any type of keyboards to choose from;
- optional modular design in order to increase mobility;
- any style of stop switches / knobs;
- lamp-equipped music-desk;
- lamp-equipped pedalboard.
Bielsko-Biała, 2016
Gdynia, 2016
Skierniewice, T2Logic workshop, 2011
MIDI encoder
MIDI encoder for keyboards and stop switches
- the device is intended to equip any keyboard and stop switches set with MIDI output;
- with this encoder one can use an old, analogue instrument as a console for computer-based pipe organ simulator such as GrandOrgue or Hauptwerk;
- it supports any type of stop switches or knobs, both mono- and bistable;
- up to 5 manuals + pedalboard, up to 128 stop switches;
- easy installation;
- standard DIN5 output;
- supply: 7-15V AC/DC.
T2Logic - custom made electronic devices, electric installations, electronic devices projects, design and manufacturing, intelligent buildings, home automatics, electronics and automatics for pipe organ instruments | pipe organs | organ electronics | organ automatics | organ building | organ parts | organ devices Setzer memory systems | MIDI systems | organ systems | organ modernizations | pipe organ reparation | pipe organ renovation | pipe tuning and voicing Programming (MCMS v1.3) and design: Tomasz Mońko; Visits: 590907. Copying allowed with the written permission of T2Logic only. ©T2Logic 2011-2025.