Tomasz Uliński
- electrician, designer, carpenter, organist
from early childhood showed an interest in technical issues, especially the electrics, in which he supported by the family, especially his grandfather, from whom he drew the knowledge and skills to handle carpenter equipment, and all kinds of locksmith tools. Later these skills Tomasz honed under the guidance of professional locksmith and carpenter. At the same time he deepened the knowledge of electrical engineering. During the school participated in a parish choir, so he had the opportunity to observe both the construction and operation of pipe organs, as well as technical elements of the play. This interest made him begin practice on the instrument and explore the knowledge of its construction. With time, Tomasz undertook to repair effete church organs.
He studied electrical engineering at the Technical University of Warsaw - he moved to Warsaw for studies, where his musical passion began to transform into the job of auxiliary organist at St. Wojciech Parish (St. Albertus' Parish). Also collaborated in organizing the Organ and Chamber Music Festival in Skierniewice, established contacts with national and foreign organists. During the third year of studies he moved back to the home town of Skierniewice and began to work as leading organist at St. Trinity Parish in Cielądz. At the same time undertook the repair work at the organ in his home parish and became interested in solutions in electronic instruments, such as MIDI or software system allowing to imitate pipe organ on the computer. On the occasion of the construction of one of MIDI devices began working with the organist and an electronics engineer Tomasz Mońko.
In October 2010, started working together on OrgNG project - a comprehensive computer system for controlling the pipe instruments. The project was completed in early 2011 and the system was installed in the organs in the parish of St. James the Aposle in Skierniewice, where Tomasz Uliński serves as an auxiliary organist. Currently working on various projects related to the pipe organs.
Tomasz Mońko PhD
- musician - organist, performer and improviser, electronics engineer, programmer and technical consultant
His interest in organ music and construction of the instrument began early in his childhood. Music instantly became a passion of his life, which later evolved into his choice of profession: being an organist and teacher. He is a graduate of the Academy of Music in Łódź, in the organ class of professor Mirosław Pietkiewicz, and has participated in many seminars and consultations.
Throughout his childhood he was fascinated with issues associated with electricity, electronics, physics and computers. On his own, and with his father's support, he developed skills and knowledge in all these areas. He learned to write simple programs when he was only a few years old, thanks to access to the physics lab at the Technical University of Łódź, which gave the base for further development.
These interests and passions have finally merged into a dissertation on the history and future of organ building and tracker action. The dissertation went further into use of innovation-enabled electronics and computers. As a part of the dissertation project, Mr. Mońko designed and built a prototype of the key-action supporting device. His dissertation was given the highest score possible.
His awarded doctoral thesis entitled "Innovative Means of Artistic Expression in Pipe Organ Music Literature and Improvisation Achieved Through the Use of Mechatronic Programmable Key Action Control System" continued research in this field. It involved the design and construction of a complete prototype pipe organ equipped with autonomous mechatronic valves. The artistic part of the thesis was recorded on this instrument. The recording consisted mostly improvisations on chorale themes and presented newly discovered means of artistic expression.
Mr. Tomasz Mońko performs concerts which concentrate on the Baroque repertoire and which feature his own modern organ improvisations. He has also served as a lecturer of liturgical accompaniment and organ improvisation at the Academy of Music in Łódź. Through the years, he has been filling orders for design, construction and programming contracts of various digital devices and more complex electronic systems. He also conducted classes in a field of embedded systems, computer control and robotics at one of the universities in Łódź.
In 2010, he and Tomasz Uliński formed a company named T2Logic, to create innovative solutions for and refinement of existing instruments. One of the first projects from this partnership is OrgNG, which is a comprehensive control system for pipe organs and includes new generation setter memory, as well as a MIDI encoder and decoder, and energy-efficient power driver. Under the name of "T2Logic" company they work together on creating innovative solutions and the refinement of existing organs. In 2016, in one of the churches of Gdynia, they created the first system in Poland which provides wireless connection of two pipe organs and two separate consoles.